Friday, 8 February 2013

So much to do in so little time...

We're moving.

Not to Saudi yet. We're relocating to Ottawa to be closet to my brother, the whole family has been grumpy and emotional packing up the house we all grew up in. 11 years in this place, it's been a long time.
I loved seeing things I haven't in years, embarrassed by so many pictures. It's a lot of cleaning to do. We're all tired, especially with this terrible weather. The snow came down last night and all day today, it's literally up to my knee out there so we're trapped.

Eliana is growing so much, she's 8 months next week and I can hardly believe it. She's been so chatty, she loves to eat by herself, and eats 2 or 3 meals every day which is surprising. I don't know how it happened, but it seems to make her happier. So far she's had apples, pears, banana, tangerine, orange, potato, sweet potato, cucumber, cheese, bread, chicken, oatmeal, rice, yogurt, and squash. She loves it all. She's still breastfed though, not drinking water, and eats about 6 times a day and 3 times at night.

She sits all day and plays on the floor. She prefers not to be on her stomach so I don't push it, she's not crawling yet but shes making funny movements on the carpet and rolls a lot. She does much better standing up than she does on her stomach, so in the morning I give her tummy time on my tummy and the rest of the day is free roaming.

It's extremely difficult moving with a baby. Oh god. Every time I get into cleaning or packing I am distracted by her constant need for me to look at her and play with her. It's adorable, but it's taking me forever to get things done.

The diet has been alright, the bike has been going well. I wish I could do more, but I haven't got the time or energy. I guess I'm doing a lot of moving around, let's hope it counts. I need to do another update.

The husband has been stressed and so have I, I'm hoping once we're moved and got money again things will be looking up. With time there is progress in our trying to get to his country, so in the meantime it's really just about day to day life and living with what very little we have at the moment.

I'll update when moved!


  1. I just wanted to say hi and wish you the best of luck with everything, nice blog by the way.

  2. Hi thank you! :) Same to you! Thanks for stopping by!
