Saturday, 8 December 2012

Diet weeks 3 and 4

I failed, I succeeded, I have had  really rough time but I want to work on it.

I really don't want to give up but as much of an excuse as this sounds: winter is really getting to me. Food is on sale because of the holidays, I am constantly hungry, I want something warm. Even my daughter is eating more, which obviously takes a toll on me. I really need some more ideas.

I haven't got any tips or recipes because I'm seriously stumped.

I think my goal for this week is going to be meal planning and I'll show you how I'm going to do that when... I do that.

What I plan to achieve by meal planning is to use my new recipes to their full extent and not go downstairs every day and look around for food, which is a set up for disaster. I'll be able to buy what I need and what I want according to whats on the meal plan, which will strictly follow what my allowances are without straying. I will accept maybe 2 desserts a week, and one off day, but nothing more.

I'm  not using a scale, because like I forgot to mention before, I don't want to sabotage myself in the first 4 months of this reform. It takes like a month to break bad habits, then there are cravings which take 'I forget how many days', then life gets in the way so there are failures to account for. In 4 months (3 now) I should have no excuse. I will be used to what I'm eating and not eating. I'm certain at that point I'll have more figured out and I will be able to face hard facts about my weight and how much I lose in the long term.

That doesn't mean I'm not serious, and I'm still on board.

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