Saturday, 8 December 2012

Saudi update

So things are going well insh'allah.

We went all the way to Ottawa to the Saudi embassy to get papers, hubby had them stamped, we sent them by mail annnnd..
They were lost by Canada post. Isn't that lovely? It defeated the purpose of our trip aside from seeing my brother. Oh well, c'est la vie. Now, nearly 20ish days later, the mail is on it's way to hubby's brother who is kindly settling our affairs for us in Riyadh. Alhamdulilah.

Once the papers get there, from what we've been told, everything gets into full gear and it's all really, really going to happen insh'allah.

My fear? The mail gets lost again, we are used to the ups and downs, failures, defeats of being a long distance type of family. Torn between two countries, two governments, two families. It get's to you! Especially when you're so desperate to have a normal, settled life.
The mail was a familiar defeat, but it worked itself out. I remember when my husband and I wanted to get married, we tried and tried and tried and we even sought a lawyer's help because we wanted to know the best route. After a year and a bit of worrying over what the lawyer told us, we were told by the CDN Gov that we were mislead and it was a common misinterpretation but being married for us was legal. Ugh.

Anyone familiar with Saudi's previous and new laws on foreign marriage knows how confusing that is, as well.

Things are looking good from the inside, though. We received good news from both government and family, so things are better than we thought. It's been so many years of worrying and wondering that now it's in progress we're taking something too seriously? (I hate to say too serious, because it's important, but the way we've always seen it was that it would be extremely difficult and impossible, I'm not so sure why, though laws and situations have changed).

Our apartment in Makkah is finished, I can't wait to have a place to call my own. I'm extremely excited to get in there and start decorating, that's obviously my favorite part. I'm going to take tons of pictures from beginning to end. The only thing that sucks is that my family cannot enter Makkah and they;ll never see it. I guess nothing can ever be perfect though. I'm still going to make it nice, I'm going to be there for a long time insh'allah, so I might as well enjoy my space!

I'm also excited to meet my husband's family face to face after almost 6 years on webcam, do Hajj, eat Saudi food, explore, learn... so much to learn!

Pray for us, hopefully my husband will no longer be so homesick and my daughter will get to meet the rest of her enormous family soon.

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