Sunday, 13 January 2013

Cloth Diapering

I cloth diaper and I love it!

I use a brand called Lovely Pocket Diapers, and they are truly lovely. Before my daughter was born I researched about the different types of cloth diapers and I decided that the `pocket`style diaper was the one for me, not only does it clean well but it requires very little work and is uncomplicated. They also don't damage as easily as some other styles. I chose to find pocket diapers that were one size with snaps (Velcro is less durable than snaps) and LPD had an amazing variety with a beautiful price. On average a diaper from LPD costs $7 which is on the very low end (if not the lowest) of the price range.
Natural Disposables: 100 diapers= $41.00 

Diapers can vary from $30- under $10. This depends on the material, make, brand, and specifications. The diaper I got were well made using great materials that cleaned well, therefore, I was wary about their price in the beginning. I had seen so many diapers in the high 20's that I could not rationalize how this brand could be so cheap. Lo and behold, as soon as I had them in my possession I knew I saved a lot of money for some wonderful diapers.

Some may choose to cloth diaper because of their financial situation. You can save $1000+ a year in diapering your child with cloth as opposed to disposable. As long as you wash and care for the diapers as recommended by the manufacturer you can diaper all of your children through potty training with the same diapers. Some people choose cloth because of the ecological imprint of diapers, or because they know they will never have to run out and buy them. A lot of people also prefer cloth over disposable because they see cloth as a healthier option that eliminates exposure to the chemicals and materials used in disposable diapers.

I cloth diaper for all of those reasons. 

In total I spent $230 CDN  on 20 diapers and a diaper bag, as well as 30 cloth wipes. I got 1 or 2 free diapers (LPD has amazing sales and offers which you wont find with bigger brands), the average Canadian spends close to $2000 upward on disposables so I know I got the better deal.

My 21 diapers last 3 days without washing for Eliana alone, I'd probably buy 10 more for the next child. To be honest, I think I'd be able to get by with 30 diapers washing as frequently as I do with two children. That's still less than $300.

A lot of people ask about washing, it's really very simple: You have to be careful not to use damaging products such as some natural greasy detergents and fabric softeners which will make your diapers loose absorbency, so avoid dryer sheets and all the extras. We use a cloth diaper specific soap called Rock N Green (but you don't have to), with a bit of white vinegar in the wash so we can kill bacteria and remove stains. Every month or so we bleach the inserts of the diapers to remove residue, smell, bacteria, and maintain the diapers. Dry on the lowest temperature.

The one sized diapers have fit my daughter from 9lbs to 22 lbs, with some room to spare. They are truly one size and the snaps really help to create a fit that is perfect for your child.

What about travel and wash days? I do admit, I use disposables when we travel long distances or while I wash a full load of cloth diapers. I don't like washing cloth in washing machines at hotels or resorts, so I'd rather deal with disposable in that circumstance. I think we've spent $30 her whole life on them, that's it.

I wonder if women in Saudi Arabia use cloth diapers, if they have them there, or if they have ever considered it! A lot of places haven't been introduced to this concept before, and I'd hate it if they missed the opportunity! I really love my cloth diapers, and so does Elly!

$7 at

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