I watched more- people with bug-out (getaway) homes and land in other countries with more rural living in case of an economy crash, and thousands of bug-out dollars saved up so they could fly/drive anywhere to be safe. It all seems pretty smart to do, and they all seem so, so scared...
I'm all for preparation, it's sunnah & part of our religion to teach our kids survival skills. I don't however think it's worth all of the time, space, and money to save up 3 years worth of food when your home could easily be ransacked/burnt down in a disaster and leave you food-less AND penniless. That doesn't mean a small storage isn't smart, I buy in bulk when there are sales because Canada is constantly in a wave of inflation/deflation and the prices of things change all of the time with economy and season.
Here is what I would do to prepare for the worst, without breaking the bank or looking paranoid:
- Learn first aid
- Teach my children to swim, ride, drive, cook, and hunt
- Learn basic medical skills
- Learn how to survive in the wilderness/dessert
- Learn to make a fire in as many ways possible
- Learn to find water (most importantly)
- Get in shape, get my family in good health
- Learn to fight and learn proper self defense(a lot of people believe that the collapse of order will create chaos, so it would be smart to learn basic defense)
- Learn basic homemaking- sewing, washing...
- Basic knowledge in what is edible or not in the wild
- How to build a simple shelter
I'd love to know these things and practice sometime, it seems important and I feel like it's wired in human beings to survive by any means possible- it only makes sense that as humans we prepare and are concerned about survival like any animal.
This also further shows life isn't about material goods (maybe some, to help you long). I'd much rather prepare with wits and knowledge than material goods.
Most of all, rely on god, be sane, don't panic.
Ha, ha. This is such a weird post. Anyway, if you ever want to check out the stockpiles these people keep in their homes, search preppers on youtube! It's amazing what these people do, it's a lifestyle!
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