Monday, 1 July 2013

Happy Canada Day!

This week I've been very homesick. I don't like to whine at my husband about this place, but there is nothing like being homesick the very first time! It hurts, and all I do is dream about what I used to have.

I always wanted to come to Saudi Arabia, it's an easier life (in terms of necessities: money, housing, food) but with that came a lot of sacrifices. I know the move was better for my family starting out, we've been blessed with two apartments across the country from each other (a nice change of scenery when we want it), a good car (from no car to good car is always nice) and I've pretty much been able to eat and wear what I want. I'm not complaining, I wouldn't be here if Allah didn't will it. I just miss home.

And it's a simple as that! I miss the quality of food (and my favourites), I miss easily finding organic goods, I miss my family (oh god I miss them so much!), I miss not having to cover- not that I hate it but I miss not having to, and I miss walks.

I miss LONG walks. I miss the great walking weather. I miss the freedom to walk by myself, without having to worry a car will strike me down or someone will try talking to me. I used to walk miles a day- no exaggerating here. We never had a car growing up, until we came here I was accustomed to public transit (when I had the change lol) and walking. I miss taking my little daughter out to the park in the stroller.

I also miss my independence and my solitude. I can't seem to keep my inlaws off my doorstep (especially my SILs), and while it's nice and they'd visit each other as much, I come from a very private, small family. I like getting calls before someone pounds on my door. Just sayin'.

I've tried to work through that issue but it didn't work out. Now instead of meeting them with a smile, I'm easily irritated and I don't want them to get a bad impression of me. Yet, it doesn't matter how many times I tell them, or what time it is, or if I'm about to shower- they come a'knockin'. It almost feels as if they are being inconsiderate, and it pisses me off that my husband doesn't feel the same way or sympathize.

We'll see how I adjust in the year.
 Theres no doubt that I will never stop missing home.

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