Monday, 22 July 2013

Summer Work Attire.

I hate the heat. I'm a hot blooded grizzly of a Canadian and I don't mind the cold- at all. In fact, summer was my least favourite season. Of course, that's how it goes until you marry a Saudi and he swoops you away to the middle east in summer.

Also, I cover. No matter how little goes under the abaya, it's still hot. I'm still covered. I'd still be hot even if I were butt naked. Saudi Arabia gets hot.

Now we're moving to Jeddah and I'll have to sacrifice good weather here in the Saudi South (20-30 degrees) for opportunities and a new home in 40 degree weather. I know, I know- there are seasons where it gets breezy and nice in Jeddah. I'm just too darn hot all the time.

I'm really at a loss when it comes to hot weather work attire. I'm worried I'll sweat off all my makeup, ruin my hair with my shaylah, and wear the wrong clothes to work. I'd hate to do that, and I'd hate to be standing there teaching all those kids while sweat runs off my brow like I'm a disgusting sloppy, meting mess. Lol. Sorry. That's what I invision! I want to find youthful (I'm nearing 23... only. Yes.), colorful, fun, weather friendly work attire that covers my shoulders and is relatively inexpensive. Is. This. Possible?

pic from costalpolitan
I'm pretty dead set on getting some nude pumps, mainly because they match all colours and the dust wont destroy them like it did my back flats. Poor babies. I like nude, I like the idea of having something I can wear with a lot of different items. I like the idea of low maintenance. (Before I was a mother I had nearly 18 pairs of shoes... now I have three. Running, sandals, and flats. All black. It's a sad reality that I don't have time to match shoes to my outfits anymore.)

Q. 1) What would look good with nude shoes in terms of a book bag/ purse. What colour? Should I just get a nude purse?

I'm thinking something along the lines of a quarter sleeve cardigan and a skirt. I dread the thought of 'slacks' and a blouse, I don't want to look matronly or be uncomfortable. Something about slacks always made me feel fat, most are high waist-ed yet not high enough waist-ed to properly fit me. They always cut me off in my ponch area, you know  the area that my child thrived in for 9 months. Yeah, that area.

Q. 2) Nylons, good in hot weather or not? My legs look hellish from mosquito bites. 

Anyway, at the bottom I will include some pictures of outfits I like for summer. Feel free to comment and agree or disagree!


  1. Since you are working with kids, I would stick to comfortable clothes. And because of the heat I would stay away from the nylons, very itchy and uncomfortable.

    1. Great to know! I wouldn't dare spend all that money on really good nylons to find out that its a bad pairing with heat. I rarely get to wear all my Canadian purchases for that reason lol. I love maxi dresses, I was trying to steer away from my usual style but you're right about comfort. Maybe a bright maxi skirt with a nice sheer blouse? Airy and covers all the bases! Thanks!

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