Saturday, 17 May 2014

Guess what?

So it's been a long time since I've written, and though I haven't been productive in blogger world I have been in real life.
To summarize:
Finally ate at le château. I couldn't open doors, too much tech for me. Very fast escalator gave me a scare. Food was great though...
Made and delivered a beautiful child a week ago. Welcome Eliene!
Ended up in hospital, I'm here now with Eliene who just went from oompaloompa orange with jaundice to healthy pink. No idea why her levels were elevated but we may leave tonight. Dallah hospital IS nice but I miss my bed and the novelty of going up and down in this one wore off days ago.
Those are the highlights, I've also been managing floods of Zahrani family members who have come to greet Eliene. I miss my house. I have been an on demand cow for Eliene ( eel ean as my husband says it) since we've been admitted, nothing else to do but feed and watch that Funoon chanel that I laugh at but only understand 25% of. I miss my daughter Eliana. Did you notice yet that my kid's names are extremely similar? Government denied my name choice so we used my husband's so for now they are Elly and Nel... but not Nelly, that's too much.
That's about it for now. I'll have a lot more to update as Ramadan rolls in, then Eid, then Zahrani wedding season, and then back to Canada for the sole reason to lunch with my mom and let my husband run wild in the Canadian wilderness before he explodes.