Wednesday, 21 November 2012


I'm on the train right now with my little family, we're travelling to the Saudi Embassy- 5 hours away. It doesn't hurt my brother lives there now, I'm so excited to see him. I love Ottawa, next to Chicago, it's probably my favourite city. It's got the European allure, yet pleasantly Canadian, cleaner than any city I've ever been. Had we decided to stay here, it's where we would live.

I can wait to eat delicious food- Ottawa is known for it's amazing and diverse cuisine and I think the best shwarama in Canada is there. My brother works at this burger place everyone talks about, organic meat and innovative menu. This new diet really is just an excuse to find love in food again, renew my relationship with it and try new thing I don't feel like s*** for eating! So, equipped with a slightly older baby, a husband on a mission, a new appreciation for food, a beautiful winter coat, and love for my bro, I expect to have a great time inshallah.

What I just ate:
Chicken Sandwich- chicken, lettuce, cow cheese, 100 calorie Bun- ancient grain variety, Water, some Tortilla chips plain.

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