Saturday, 10 November 2012

Sleeping with Bibi

My daughter loves this toy, it's a chicken made by Mama's and Papa's. It jingles, it's got teething loops, grips, a mirror. It's also disgusting and terribly dirty. I don't honestly know how to wash it! It collects fur/hair like crazy, it just absorbs all of her drool. I tried blasting it with the jet on our shower, it took a day to dry and within the next 48 hours it looked worse.

It's been a disaster. Anything that preoccupies my daughter is a friend of mine, all except Bibi. She loves it, in terms of use it's the best 15$ I've ever spent. As for hassle and worry, it's a 10. I'm so worried she's going to end up with a major case of thrush or get sick, I have thought of putting it in the washing mashing but I'm afraid of what the detergent would do to it (and baby). Any ideas on how I could  clean it.

I mean, it's become a part of every day life: I see my daughter- I see Bibi. I lay my head to rest at night- Bibi.  Last night my husband and I tried to pry it from her hands, as soon as she realized Bibi was missing all hell broke loose. She hasn't woken up crying like that since her first tooth broke through! As soon as we gave it back she slept, peacefully. I thought this kind of thing didn't happen until kids were like 2ish?

 She's never stayed in the stroller as long as she has with Bibi...
 She takes her agression out on Bibi...
At the end of the day she still loves Bibi. It's complicated...


  1. Can I say you are extreeeemly lucky she has a comfort toy. This means even when you travel or are in a new situation she will always have this comfort to take with her. I tried SO much with all 4 of my kids to get them to get attached to ANYTHING and it never worked lol.

  2. We are pretty lucky because she hasn't been too picky about toys thus far. Whatever we buy she immediately likes, but she wont go back to the old toys! Right now she likes this bath toy- it's a squirty pink bunny. She goes EVERYWHERE with it lol! She likes to bite on the ears. The bunny is so much better than Bibi... so easy to clean. :):)
